pondělí 21. prosince 2009

Maine to consider cell phone cancer warning that they can cause brain cancer

Maine to consider cell phone cancer warning that they can cause brain cancer, although there is no consensus among scientists that they do and industry leaders dispute the claim.. Many countries have issued warnings. Although research has not consistently demonstrated a link between cellular telephone use and cancer, scientists still caution that further surveillance is needed before conclusions can be drawn.. Levels of cellphones radiation at == http://kl.am/cell == more than 270 million people subscribed to cellular telephone service last year in the United States, an increase from 110 million in 2000... http://ewg.org

pátek 11. prosince 2009

Toxic Chemical Diacetyl Still Finding Its Way Into Microwave Popcorn - Sphere News

Toxic Chemical Diacetyl Still Finding Its Way Into Microwave Popcorn, in the form of substitute. Destroys lungs.

Public health advocates told themselves that when Democrats took over the health and safety agencies, the Bush regulations-are-bad era would vaporize.

One measure was going to be how quickly the Obama team addressed something as well-researched as diacetyl.

Toxic Chemical Diacetyl Still Finding Its Way Into Microwave Popcorn - Sphere News

pondělí 12. října 2009

Gorbačov: Kdybychom v roce 1989 zas�hli, zřejmě by vypukl jadern�konflikt | Zahranicni.iHNed.cz -

Gorbačov: Kdybychom v roce 1989 zasáhli, zřejmě by vypukl jaderný konflikt. ~Katastroficke dobyti a rozpad narodu stredni a vychodni Evropy. Namisto reforem prisla hrozba zaniku nezavislosti. Gorbačov ocenil, že Putin během svého prvního prezidentského období zastavil hrozící rozpad Ruska a stabilizoval situaci

Gorbačov: Kdybychom v roce 1989 zas�hli, zřejmě by vypukl jadern�konflikt | Zahranicni.iHNed.cz -

neděle 11. října 2009

Germans seek to oust Czech president Vaclav Klaus over EU treaty

Brussels furious diplomats were calling for his impeachment and even his country’s expulsion from the European Union because of his obstinate refusal to sign the Lisbon treaty. Klaus, now the only European leader holding out against ratifying the document, made it clear he did not give a damn.

European leaders were told he was not available to take their calls.

Germans seek to oust Czech president Vaclav Klaus over EU treaty

neděle 4. října 2009

Barack Obama furious at General Stanley McChrystal speech on Afghanistan - Telegraph

Barack Obama furious at General Stanley McChrystal speech on Afghanistan asking for 40 000 more US soldiers. Their relationship under severe strain. Gen McChrystal shocked and angered presidential advisers with the bluntness of a speech given in London.

The next day he was summoned to an awkward 25-minute face-to-face meeting on board Air Force One on the tarmac in Copenhagen. Gen McChrystal, who heads the 68,000 US troops in Afghanistan as well as the 100,000 Nato forces, flatly rejected proposals to switch to a strategy more reliant on drone missile strikes and special forces operations against al-Qaeda.

Some commentators regarded the general's London comments as verging on insubordination.

Barack Obama furious at General Stanley McChrystal speech on Afghanistan - Telegraph:

úterý 22. září 2009

Is there a 'Plan B' for U.S. efforts in Afghanistan? - CNN.com

A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released on September 15 indicated that 39 percent of Americans favor the war in Afghanistan, with 58 percent opposed to the mission.

Support is down from 53 percent in April, marking the lowest level since the start of the U.S. military mission in Afghanistan soon after the September 11, 2001, attacks

Is there a 'Plan B' for U.S. efforts in Afghanistan? - CNN.com

čtvrtek 17. září 2009

U.S. scraps missile defense shield plans

NO TO WAR ! Thank you, Mr. President Obama! No missile shield costly war preparations in Europe. Now Russia will not deploy it's missiles in Kaliningrad either. Stop the mad expensive wrong republican right wing war empire war games, war preparations, war colonial aggressions! PEACE! If it goes like this, Russia may not deploy missiles in Venezuela

U.S. scraps missile defense shield plans - CNN.com

středa 16. září 2009

US credit shrinks at Great Depression rate prompting fears of double-dip recession

"There has been nothing like this in the USA since the 1930s. The rapid destruction of money balances is madness." US bank loans have fallen at an annual pace of almost 14% in the 3 months to August 09 (from $7,147bn to $6,886bn).. For the first time in the post- World War II era, we have deflation in credit, wages and rents and this is a toxic brew.It is unclear why the US Federal Reserve has allowed this to occur.

US credit shrinks at Great Depression rate prompting fears of double-dip recession - Telegraph

úterý 1. září 2009

Russia and Poland trade insults on 70th anniversary of World War Two. Eastern Europe drawn apart? The history.


Russian media has aired a string of accusations against Poland, claiming that Warsaw intended to collaborate with Hitler in an invasion of the Soviet Union, and that Jozef Beck, Poland's foreign minister in 1939, was a German agent.
Moscow broadcasters have also claimed that there was a "German hand" in the 1940 Katyn massacre of thousands of Polish PoWs, an atrocity generally held to have been the exclusive work of Stalin's secret police.

On the morning, 4:45 am, of September 1, 1939, the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein ushered in WWII when it opened fire on the 180-strong Polish contingent stationed on Westerplatte

contentious Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, signed between Stalin and Hitler in August 1939. A pact of mutual non-aggression that lasted until 1941, it allowed Russia to invade and annexe Eastern Poland.

Dmitry Medvedev, Russia's president, also labelled attempts in the Baltic states, which were also invaded under the pact's terms, to equate Hitler with Stalin as a "cynical lie".

An open letter yesterday from Mr Putin, in which he appeared to strike a more conciliatory note.

"Our duty is to remove the burden of distrust and prejudice left from the past in Polish-Russian relations," wrote Mr Putin, who went on to describe the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact as "immoral", and also thanked Poland "from the bottom of my heart" for the 600,000 Poles who fought on the Eastern Front under Red Army command.

Russia and Poland trade insults on 70th anniversary of World War Two - Telegraph

sobota 22. srpna 2009

To politicians, ruling class in USA. Stop exporting jobs and industries to China.Comment.


If you dont like your states forking out unemployment compensation, STOP THE JOB HEMORRHAGE.

We wrote and called you over twenty years ago about allowing US corporations to leave the country and still feed at the public trough, and ship their stuff back in here for free.

We warned you about allowing cheap, foreign products into the US cheap, while our stuff was taxed to the max overseas.

Did you do anything about it? …… NO!

We warned you about so many things……you got a lot of calls and letters and emails from us…….but you chose to turn your backs on the wishes of the people.

You did not create us……we created you. To represent us and our best interests. We pay for your wonderful healthcare covering your entire families, and give you a fantastic retirement pay and numerous perks. But, you refuse to do the will of the people. You bit the hand that fed you, gave you your start.

You interfered with normal bankruptcy laws by not allowing crook banks to go into normal bankruptcy and by rights should have had their charters removed and shut down…….and you illegally put that enormous burden of the cost on the backs of the taxpayers, 95% WHO TOLD YOU NOT TO VOTE ON THE BAILOUT.

Instead of focusing on your true job, you spend more time making careers out of your temporary jobs. You take bribe money and call it lawful. You are involved in deal making behind closed doors. The further you grow away from the ppl who elected you the more dangerous you become to the welfare of the nation. You now think you call the shots …….and ignore the will of the people who put you in office. You do the will of the people behind the largest bribes. If I had a lawyer like you……I would have fired your butt long ago.


pondělí 3. srpna 2009

Top Ten Best National Parks You Don't Know About

Top Ten Best National Parks You Don't Know About

National Parks USA - http://NPS.gov

9/11 WTC is a controlled demolition - per irrefutable scientific evidence - http://ae911Truth.org - http://wacla.org - http://911Blogger.com - http://911Truth.org

čtvrtek 25. června 2009

Bill O'Reilly, Barney Frank Face Off On Detainee Abuse Photos, Health Care Reform, Housing Crisis (VIDEO)

The cost of universal health care government plan would be exactly $0.00 ... the whole developed world has a health care for human beings. its a human right. ....
1. STOP payments and care provision through employers.
2. APPLY these as payments to new universal plan, where government controls massive fraud and overcharge and premium raises 10-20% a year ...
3. EXTEND MEDICARE to everybody ... done. it's simple .. no 100s of pages of bills ..... to invest in people is very wise policy and will pay for itself, will make country competitive. ............. and why to help it, - stop buying GM cars, until there is universal health care? it's that important!
About Video
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

sobota 6. června 2009

Volime CSSD! DOST bylo pravicoveho rozkradani a zaprodavani naroda. Pestovat a podporovat ceskou vedu, prumysl, statni nezavislost v ramci EU.


Volime CSSD. Prilis mnoho pravicoveho rozkradani.

Volime Cssd! ..... Carovna ruka volneho trhu sama vyvoj nejak
nezvladne. ......Tak at to tam pak u toho kormidla nezvoraji, pani
Mullerova ! ..... narod nema rad miliardkradeze!

Posilime -

- rodiny, praci, podnikani, platy zamestnancu
- zakon
- potlacit zlocin, chudobu, drogy, valky
- praci pro vsechny ! ... vezeni pro vsechny zlocince. a ty, kteri
bezduvodne nepracuji
obnovit podniky! - Tesla, Botas, Tatra, Liaz, Praga atd atd .. vladni
program (51% ceske vlade) soukrome vyroby laptopu, notebooku,
nanotechnologie, elektrickych a hybridnich nakladnich automobilu ! -
tak jako Korea - nejake Hyundai, Kia .. proc?? proc ne Tatra hybrid?
- podpora ceskemu sklarstvi, ceskemu remeslu, ceske zaoceanske plavbe
- NE vetsinovemu prodeji letiste a aerolinii !!
- ne valkam, kolonizacim, zbrojeni !!

Petr Buben
http://kl.am/cas - http://kl.am/pb -
http://friendfeed.com/PetrBuben ..... :] .....

DOST bylo pravicoveho namezdneho zaprodavani naroda !

Nejsme zadna namezdni levna pracovni sila a bordel bohatych bankeru a
vojevudcu !!

DevHub: A free site building service takes data from APIs and other content sources as a way for niche publisher.. http://tinyurl.com/pa6h2x http://twitter.com/programmableweb/statuses/2052599264
SD lottery winner 'will not squander' $232M prize http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_RAGS_TO_RICHES?SITE=CACHI&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT

úterý 14. dubna 2009

California monthly disability $899 paid to 1.2 mil people will be cut by $20.67, 2.3%, due to crisis.

An additional 1.3 million parents and children will be affected by a cut of 4 % in state welfare benefits.

http://www.sacbee.com/topstories/story/1777883.html (via FriendFeed) http://friendfeed.com/e/27e564fb-3b6b-4481-96f8-aacaad15b82a
Tech24: You: Bill Gates Files Patents For Electromagnetic Engine, Plasma Injectors http://jalopnik.com/5210372/bill-gates-files-patents-for-electromagnetic-engine-plasma-injectors (via FriendFeed) http://friendfeed.com/e/081de46b-e59e-4603-834a-adb593f65dba

středa 1. dubna 2009

American and Russian officials say they share a willingness to reduce their nuclear stockpiles to no more than 1,500 warheads.

Down from the 2,200 allowed under existing treaties.
other source:
..shrink the joint U.S.-Russian nuclear arsenal to 3,000 warheads from the current allowable level of 4,400..
Top architecture postponments - odlozene stavby

úterý 31. března 2009

China has struck deals-most recently with Argentina to conduct trade in currencies other than dollar. Rodi se novy svetovy rad. Imperia se hrouti.

A new world is being born. Empires fall. There is a world crisis of capitalism, it's shaking the planet," Chavez told Venezuelan state radio after arriving in Qatar.

Iran has proposed replacing the dollar with the euro or other currencies to set worldwide oil prices.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva told the gathering that the economic crisis is having "deep repercussions" on all economies, but it offers an opportunity "to correct the financial system and restore balance to global trade."

Russia and China are coordinating proposals on a new global currency that could replace the US dollar as a reserve currency to prevent a repeat of the global economic crisis, the Kremlin said.

středa 25. března 2009

pondělí 9. března 2009

VDOT: Bridge demolition set to opera (via MyNewsReport)


Germany at odds with U.S. over crisis (via delicious)


The U.S. economy?s vital signs may not confirm a diagnosis of depression. The symptoms increasingly point to one. Diagnoza deprese nepotvrzena, ale symptomy na ni ukazuji stale silneji. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601068&sid=aNlx.TpHF5W4&refer=home (via FriendFeed)


President Klaus v Americe, na prvnich strankach, Drudgereport, FoxBusiness (via Ohlednuti.blogspot.com)


Strkanice americke lodi a cinskych clunu ve Zlutem a Jiznim Cinskem mori. Sonarova pozorovani. (via ZpravyZahranici)


Australian dollar lost 21% in 2008, http://tinyurl.com/b9pr46 (via Twitter)


new version amazing robot asimo (via PetrBuben.blogspot.com)


new version amazing robot asimo (via PetrBuben.blogspot.com)


Hybrid Chevrolet Volt under current test procedures could get a rating of better than 100 miles per gallon - 2.4l/100 km! (via FriendFeed)


Chavez : Venezuela je pripravena na valku s Kolumbii. Pokud kol. sily prekroci ven. hranice, vyda rozkaz k utoku. (via SouhrnZprav)


Globalni financni ztraty - pad svetoveho hospodarstvi - 50 bilionu USD ($50 trillion) (via Ceske Zpravy)


http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/pledgeproject (via PetrBuben.blogspot.com)


Novinky: You: Izrael opet vazne uvazuje o uderu na iransky jaderny prumysl. Dle americke zpravy, Izr sdeluje, ze.. http://zi.ma/f3e7f9 (via Twitter)


neděle 8. března 2009

Czech leader joins meeting of climate change deniers (via delicious)


N Korea officially stated this week it was worried about a U.S.-S Korean invasion, and the Pyongyang government issued a warning to keep S Korean civilian aircraft away from its airspace. http://www.upi.com/news/issueoftheday/2009/03/06/North_Koreas_war_talk_is_really_dangerous/UPI-93371236356322/ (via FriendFeed)


American car sales have dropped to an annual pace of 9 million in 1st qtr 09, from some 17 million in 2007. http://nyt.com (via Twitter)


Velke a nahle ztraty pracovnich mist v Usa ukazuji na zasadni zmeny v hospodarstvi (via Ceske Zpravy)


Kratce: You: Pres Obama pripraven obnovit vztahy s Kubou, napr. moznost cestovani Americanu na Kubu. Uz je na ca.. http://zi.ma/fabc0d (via Twitter)


News0: You: ?Taiwan saw their exports fall 45% in 3rd qtr 08 ? that is a depression-style. Chinamerica. Crisis a.. http://zi.ma/362d95 (via Twitter)


Znarodnovani bank, Velka Britanie. Vlada da zaruky vymenou za 75% podila banky Lloyds. (via ZpravyZeZahranici)


Vyuka: You: Sokujici kriminalita v kapitalismu, Usa. Zastrelil 4 cleny rodiny, vcetne deti, pak sebe .. zastreli.. http://zi.ma/b32b74 (via Twitter)


Politika: You: Strasny osud okupovaneho kolonizovaneho rozbombardovaneho Iraku - detska prostituce. Desitky tisi.. http://zi.ma/5e1b5a (via Twitter)


S Korea - pokud nekdo sestreli jeji satelit, odpovi utokem a "bude to znamenat valku." (via ZpravyZahranici)


911czech: You: Co vy na http://osud.cz ? .. podle me, brat trochu s rezervou. ..toto je ale dobre- http://www.os.. http://zi.ma/3cf637 (via Twitter)


Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. Split between Catholics and Protestants, it was racked for decades by violence (via WorldNewsRecord)


pátek 13. února 2009

CSSD predlozila Snemovne navrh zakona, ktery by zamezil privatizaci letiste Praha.

Pravicova vlada Ods, ktera chce take privatizovat a prodat ceske aerolinie CSA ruskemu Aeroflotu, chce prodat letiste pozdeji letos 2009.

CSSD sdeluje, ze letiste ma strategicky vyznam pro bezpecnost zeme a jeji dopravni a hospodarske zajmy.

Podari se ODS rozkrast CSA a Letiste Praha?


Stát zvýšil svůj podíl v ČEZ na téměř 70 procent

Ke zvýšení podílu došlo po snížení základního kapitálu o 5,4 miliardy na asi 54 miliard korun

Loni státní rozpočet na dividendách získal téměř 13 miliard korun. Společnosti i letos rozdělí na dividendách 50 až 60 procent zisku.

ČEZ je nejziskovější českou firmou. Čistý zisk firmy se předloni zvedl o 49 procent na 42,8 miliardy korun. Za rok 2008 vedení firmy odhaduje další zvýšení na 48,6 miliardy korun.


Reditel Cez ma rocni plat 20 milonu Kc.

úterý 3. února 2009

Autoprumysl USA v tezke krizi

Prodej vozu Ford se snizil o 40% ve srovnani s lonskem 08, Chrysler se skacel o 55% , GM prodej se propadl o 49%. Toyota spadla 32% na US trhu, vse pro leden 09 vs leden 08.
Subaru jako vyjimka ma 8% vzrust, Hyundai poskocil o 14%.

Chrysler's U.S. vehicle sales plunged 55 percent in January 09, while General Motors' tumbled 49 percent and Ford's dropped 40 percent, starting 2009

But Subaru bucked the trend of declines for a second month in a row, posting an 8 percent sales increase, and Hyundai said its sales jumped 14 percent.

-Japanese rival Toyota Motor Corp. posted a 32 percent drop, but outselling Ford
-U.S. sales at Ford's Sweden-based Volvo division fell 64 percent to 2,910 vehicles in January 09, from 8,036 a year earlier 08.

Ford's US sales plunge 40 percent in January 09
General Motors vyzyva zamestnance, aby opustili firmu. Nabizi $20 000 a $25 000 na nakup auta.
A union official told The Associated Press then that GM would offer $20,000 in cash and a $25,000 car voucher for workers who retire early and those who simply leave the company.

Shares of GM fell 20 cents, or 6.9 percent, to $2.69 in afternoon trading.


pondělí 2. února 2009

Pohroma v Kentucky. Potravinove listky v Usa.

Nejvetsi prirodni pohroma v dejinach statu Kentucky.
Snehova a ledova boure prerusila dodavky vody a elektriny pro asi 1 milion lidi.
Povolana do sluzby cela Narodni Garda statu.
Guverner vyhlasil stav ohrozeni.

Food stamps - Potravinove listky
In October 08, more than one in 10 people -- about 31 million -- were using food stamps, according to the US government.
A pritom se udava nezamestnanost v Usa jako okolo 7% .... Je znamo, ze americka mira nezamestnanosti diky sve definici podhodnocuje skutecnou nezamestnanost o asi 100%.

neděle 1. února 2009

Zlociny kapitalismu - incest, zneuzivani deti - Francie. Az 2 mil, 3% Francouzu obetmi.

Dva miliony Francouzů se staly obětí incestu, tedy byla zneužívána asi tři procenta obyvatel Francie.
Podle jineho pruzkumu až každý desátý Francouz je obeti.

Poslankyně za vládní Svaz pro lidové hnutí Marie-Louise Fortová následně zahájila iniciativu, aby byl incest zařazen do trestního zákoníku

Francouzské soudnictví se může incestem zabývat jen v rámci stíhání kvůli znásilnění nebo sexuálně motivovanému násilí.



středa 28. ledna 2009

Vyuka dejin ve skolach, vyzva KSCM.

Předsedkyně Pražské rady KSČM Marta Semelová vyzývá, aby české školy změnily osnovy výuky posledních dějin CSSR/ČR, týkajících se období socialismu. Tvrdí, že výuka je jednostranná, nepravdivá a zkreslená.

Můj názor je, že něco na tom patrně bude. Jak říká předsedkyně, na téměř každé době je i něco pozitivního, a to by se nemuselo, či nemělo zapomínat.

Školy nemají vyučovat ani komunismus, ani antikomunismus, nýbrž, vzdělání, charakter, občanské hodnoty, slušnost, pravdu, snášenlivost, upřímnost, hrdosta a národní cítění.

Pokud byl komunismus tak strašný a zločinný, tedy museli být i zločinci ti, kteří s ním souhlasili, aktivně se účastnili, nebo i ti, kteří kývali. To tedy zřejmě ne zcela.

Vyučujte zločiny a omyly komunismu, byly. .......... Jaké jsou však zločiny a omyly kapitalismu? Bylo by dobře se o nich také zmiňovat, aby výuka byla vyvážená.

Za komunismu neexistovala možnost právního soukromého podnikání, zejména malého a středního. Svobody slova, pohybu, názoru a smýšlení byly velmi omezené.
Pokud se jedinec rozhodl systému se postavit, kritizovat ho, stal se více či méně pronásledovaným.
50ta, poválečná léta byla horší než ta 70ta a 80ta, kdy již nedocházelo k těžkým pronásledováním.

Ke kladům socialismu, které je třeba zmínit, patřily neexistence zločinu, hulvátství, vysoká úroveň bezplatného vzdělání jakož i zdravotní péče, právo na práci, průměrné dobrá životní úroveň a zvyšování počtu obyvatelstva.

Socialismus, který je možno označit za pozitivní stagnaci, vychoval řadu generaci předních umělců, vědců, osobnosti, lidí, kteří se pak dokázali rozhodnout a provést změny za sametové revoluce 1989.

K dalšímu kladům patří, že převrat byl nenásilný, komunisté se po dohodě s opozici vzdali moci.
Zločiny kapitalismu

K ním po roce 89 patří velká vlna zločinu, násilného a majetkového, vraždy, těžká vlna prostituce, staleprobihajici zánik mnoha podniku, úpadek a rozprodej národního průmyslu. Rozkrádání - "privatizace" bývalého socialistického majetku osobami za socialismu ve vysokých funkcích.

Drogy. Epidemie drogové závislosti, kde Čechy patří v Evropě k zemím s drogové nejzávislejší mládeži, a také s největším počtem vězňů na obyvatelstvo.
Co je to ve školách učí, když ne vyvarovat se svinstva drog? Že "socialismus byl strašný" ? Tak to by zcela nestačilo.

Extremismus. Souvisí zřejmě s celkovým nedostatekm vhodného právního rámce v zemí.
Bezdomovstvi. Toto představuje porušování základních lidských práv. Zprávy hovoří již o 10000 spoluobčanů, kteří skončili na kapitalistické ulici.

Kdo má těžší úděl, bezdomovec, či politický vězeň?

Zmíním i zdánlivě formující se přílišné rozdíly v majetku, které by daly tušit, že se propadáme spíše do pozdního feudalismu, namísto aspirce k modernímu lidovému kapitalismu.

Závěrem tedy říci, vyváženost, osvicennost je na místě, nikoliv jednostranně odmítání a unáhlené soudy - české historie, české současnosti a taktéž i budoucnosti.

Pragmaticky pohled je na místě. Smír. A jasno je, že záležitosti obecně dnes je možno řídit a provádět lépe, než jsou cinneny.

clanek a diskuse na www.zima/vyuka www.zi.ma/cas www.zi.ma/dnes

úterý 27. ledna 2009

Korea has nuclear weapons, Usa recognizes

Pyongyang, December 17 2008 (KCNA) -- Official documents recognizing the DPRK as a nuclear weapons state have recently been published in the United States one after another to evoke lively response in the international community.

Shortly ago, the U.S. Defense Department issued a report in which it said the rim of the great Asian Continent is already home to five nuclear powers: China, India, Pakistan, the DPRK and Russia. The U.S. defense secretary in an article contributed to a publication recently also made it clear that the DPRK manufactured several nuclear bombs.

California saves $1.3 bln for 2 days off for state workers for 17 months


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