sobota 23. ledna 2010

Yuneec e430 electric plane to ship in 2011 | DVICE

Yuneec e430 electric plane to ship in 2011

Yuneec e430 electric plane to ship in 2011 $89k, 1.5 -3 ours flight time. $2 per hour of flying.

Yuneec e430 electric plane to ship in 2011 | DVICE

středa 20. ledna 2010

9/11 Controlled Demolition Inside Operation on| The Smirking Chimp

9/11 is a controlled demolition inside operation, per irrefutable scientific evidence, and per common sense.

Steel frame buildings cannot explode and pulverize - vaporize with the speed of 10 floors per second, unless it is a masterpiece controlled demolition.

Office fires do not melt steel, and collapse 3 buildings in 1 day straight into their own footprint. - - - -

9/11 Controlled Demolition Inside Operation | The Smirking Chimp

čtvrtek 14. ledna 2010

with hundreds of billion$ of dollar$ in aid spent... - LAT - FriendFeed

with hundreds of billion$ of dollar$ in aid spent yearly on help to Africa, everybody would have to have a Porsche down there.

The problem is wild capitalism, aid is stolen by corrupted generals, who promptly stolen money deposit back in Western banks, or spend on arms and wars.... capitalist aid - IMF, World Bank - keeps countries actually dependent, underdeveloped, impoverished, ready to be exploited by western monopolies and colonial powers.

with hundreds of billion$ of dollar$ in aid spent... - LAT - FriendFeed

sobota 2. ledna 2010

In 2010, Your iPhone Could Be a Credit Card Reader

In 2010, Your iPhone Could Be a Credit Card Reader - This "new hardware" to me is a misconception and en error. iPhone itself should be - and, practically is - BOTH credit card /cc/ reader and credit card itself.
WHY to carry another piece, a cc? That would be so 2009nish. SERVER, SOFTWARE ought to do it, and can do it, all. That is the only correct, and lowest costs, solution path.

Customers will setup their credit cards with PayServer, tied to their IPhone/cpu unique id and their password.
'CC Reader" iPhone will display the merchandise, the amount to be paid, and/or any other info, and an ID code/bar, QR?/, readable to PayServer.
"CC Customer" iPhone will "Take a snapshot" of this info, and this will constitute, for any and all purposes, a swipe of the card.
Why the heck to require physical presence of a credit card, a physical presence on a cc reader, and plus the physical act of swiping the card ?? It would be a half mad mistaken anachronism bordering on ridiculousness.

There is more solutions to this act of software cyber cc payment, none with redundant environment unfriendly material of plastic and swiper. Example, without any setup, cc reader /merchant/ iPhone will take a snapshot of customer cc in the form of a passworded cc picture displayed on customer iPhone. Then, a request for approval will arrive on customer iPhone.
NO other iPhone will be able to approve the transaction. It is possible to fortify the security via connecting the ccc - customer credit card - to their iPhone cpu id, to their email login, and/or even to GPS position of both customer and merchant /ccr/ iPhones. ... JUST, NO additional hardware, please ! -We are Americans. :]

In 2010, Your iPhone Could Be a Credit Card Reader

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