úterý 31. března 2009

China has struck deals-most recently with Argentina to conduct trade in currencies other than dollar. Rodi se novy svetovy rad. Imperia se hrouti.

A new world is being born. Empires fall. There is a world crisis of capitalism, it's shaking the planet," Chavez told Venezuelan state radio after arriving in Qatar.

Iran has proposed replacing the dollar with the euro or other currencies to set worldwide oil prices.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva told the gathering that the economic crisis is having "deep repercussions" on all economies, but it offers an opportunity "to correct the financial system and restore balance to global trade."

Russia and China are coordinating proposals on a new global currency that could replace the US dollar as a reserve currency to prevent a repeat of the global economic crisis, the Kremlin said.

středa 25. března 2009

pondělí 9. března 2009

VDOT: Bridge demolition set to opera (via MyNewsReport)


Germany at odds with U.S. over crisis (via delicious)


The U.S. economy?s vital signs may not confirm a diagnosis of depression. The symptoms increasingly point to one. Diagnoza deprese nepotvrzena, ale symptomy na ni ukazuji stale silneji. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601068&sid=aNlx.TpHF5W4&refer=home (via FriendFeed)


President Klaus v Americe, na prvnich strankach, Drudgereport, FoxBusiness (via Ohlednuti.blogspot.com)


Strkanice americke lodi a cinskych clunu ve Zlutem a Jiznim Cinskem mori. Sonarova pozorovani. (via ZpravyZahranici)


Australian dollar lost 21% in 2008, http://tinyurl.com/b9pr46 (via Twitter)


new version amazing robot asimo (via PetrBuben.blogspot.com)


new version amazing robot asimo (via PetrBuben.blogspot.com)


Hybrid Chevrolet Volt under current test procedures could get a rating of better than 100 miles per gallon - 2.4l/100 km! (via FriendFeed)


Chavez : Venezuela je pripravena na valku s Kolumbii. Pokud kol. sily prekroci ven. hranice, vyda rozkaz k utoku. (via SouhrnZprav)


Globalni financni ztraty - pad svetoveho hospodarstvi - 50 bilionu USD ($50 trillion) (via Ceske Zpravy)


http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/pledgeproject (via PetrBuben.blogspot.com)


Novinky: You: Izrael opet vazne uvazuje o uderu na iransky jaderny prumysl. Dle americke zpravy, Izr sdeluje, ze.. http://zi.ma/f3e7f9 (via Twitter)


neděle 8. března 2009

Czech leader joins meeting of climate change deniers (via delicious)


N Korea officially stated this week it was worried about a U.S.-S Korean invasion, and the Pyongyang government issued a warning to keep S Korean civilian aircraft away from its airspace. http://www.upi.com/news/issueoftheday/2009/03/06/North_Koreas_war_talk_is_really_dangerous/UPI-93371236356322/ (via FriendFeed)


American car sales have dropped to an annual pace of 9 million in 1st qtr 09, from some 17 million in 2007. http://nyt.com (via Twitter)


Velke a nahle ztraty pracovnich mist v Usa ukazuji na zasadni zmeny v hospodarstvi (via Ceske Zpravy)


Kratce: You: Pres Obama pripraven obnovit vztahy s Kubou, napr. moznost cestovani Americanu na Kubu. Uz je na ca.. http://zi.ma/fabc0d (via Twitter)


News0: You: ?Taiwan saw their exports fall 45% in 3rd qtr 08 ? that is a depression-style. Chinamerica. Crisis a.. http://zi.ma/362d95 (via Twitter)


Znarodnovani bank, Velka Britanie. Vlada da zaruky vymenou za 75% podila banky Lloyds. (via ZpravyZeZahranici)


Vyuka: You: Sokujici kriminalita v kapitalismu, Usa. Zastrelil 4 cleny rodiny, vcetne deti, pak sebe .. zastreli.. http://zi.ma/b32b74 (via Twitter)


Politika: You: Strasny osud okupovaneho kolonizovaneho rozbombardovaneho Iraku - detska prostituce. Desitky tisi.. http://zi.ma/5e1b5a (via Twitter)


S Korea - pokud nekdo sestreli jeji satelit, odpovi utokem a "bude to znamenat valku." (via ZpravyZahranici)


911czech: You: Co vy na http://osud.cz ? .. podle me, brat trochu s rezervou. ..toto je ale dobre- http://www.os.. http://zi.ma/3cf637 (via Twitter)


Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. Split between Catholics and Protestants, it was racked for decades by violence (via WorldNewsRecord)



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