pondělí 21. prosince 2009

Maine to consider cell phone cancer warning that they can cause brain cancer

Maine to consider cell phone cancer warning that they can cause brain cancer, although there is no consensus among scientists that they do and industry leaders dispute the claim.. Many countries have issued warnings. Although research has not consistently demonstrated a link between cellular telephone use and cancer, scientists still caution that further surveillance is needed before conclusions can be drawn.. Levels of cellphones radiation at == http://kl.am/cell == more than 270 million people subscribed to cellular telephone service last year in the United States, an increase from 110 million in 2000... http://ewg.org

pátek 11. prosince 2009

Toxic Chemical Diacetyl Still Finding Its Way Into Microwave Popcorn - Sphere News

Toxic Chemical Diacetyl Still Finding Its Way Into Microwave Popcorn, in the form of substitute. Destroys lungs.

Public health advocates told themselves that when Democrats took over the health and safety agencies, the Bush regulations-are-bad era would vaporize.

One measure was going to be how quickly the Obama team addressed something as well-researched as diacetyl.

Toxic Chemical Diacetyl Still Finding Its Way Into Microwave Popcorn - Sphere News


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