pondělí 12. října 2009

Gorbačov: Kdybychom v roce 1989 zas�hli, zřejmě by vypukl jadern�konflikt | Zahranicni.iHNed.cz -

Gorbačov: Kdybychom v roce 1989 zasáhli, zřejmě by vypukl jaderný konflikt. ~Katastroficke dobyti a rozpad narodu stredni a vychodni Evropy. Namisto reforem prisla hrozba zaniku nezavislosti. Gorbačov ocenil, že Putin během svého prvního prezidentského období zastavil hrozící rozpad Ruska a stabilizoval situaci

Gorbačov: Kdybychom v roce 1989 zas�hli, zřejmě by vypukl jadern�konflikt | Zahranicni.iHNed.cz -

neděle 11. října 2009

Germans seek to oust Czech president Vaclav Klaus over EU treaty

Brussels furious diplomats were calling for his impeachment and even his country’s expulsion from the European Union because of his obstinate refusal to sign the Lisbon treaty. Klaus, now the only European leader holding out against ratifying the document, made it clear he did not give a damn.

European leaders were told he was not available to take their calls.

Germans seek to oust Czech president Vaclav Klaus over EU treaty

neděle 4. října 2009

Barack Obama furious at General Stanley McChrystal speech on Afghanistan - Telegraph

Barack Obama furious at General Stanley McChrystal speech on Afghanistan asking for 40 000 more US soldiers. Their relationship under severe strain. Gen McChrystal shocked and angered presidential advisers with the bluntness of a speech given in London.

The next day he was summoned to an awkward 25-minute face-to-face meeting on board Air Force One on the tarmac in Copenhagen. Gen McChrystal, who heads the 68,000 US troops in Afghanistan as well as the 100,000 Nato forces, flatly rejected proposals to switch to a strategy more reliant on drone missile strikes and special forces operations against al-Qaeda.

Some commentators regarded the general's London comments as verging on insubordination.

Barack Obama furious at General Stanley McChrystal speech on Afghanistan - Telegraph:


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